Dear principal, faculty, supportive Staff and Students Greetings of peace to all of you and a hearty welcome to Sarah School of Nursing, a unit of Sarah Educational and Health care trust.
Our College is started in current year with the effort to give best affordable nursing education to the people who belongs to a poor and lower socio-economic status families.
Remember always Florence Nightingale – the lady with the lamp as your role model. As a nurse you have to enkindle hope in those people who have given up their hope. You need to bring joy to the heart of the suffering. You are called upon to restore confidence in your patients. For this, one is required to develop skills of the mind and qualities of the heart.
In our institution, the chapel is the power house. You have ample time with you and therefore go to this prayer house and fortify yourself spiritually. As a nurse/student nurse you will go to the wards and you will learn a lot at the bed side. Strengthen yourself professionally specially your attitude, skills, knowledge, experience and prepare yourself to be a confident and competent nurse.
Remember you are the largest work force in the health care sector. The role of the nurses is very important as you are in the front lines to give care to the patients. I am sure your journey in Sarah institute will be a smooth one. Your hard work and sacrifice will certainly make you a qualified health care professional. As a nurse, you will be called ‘angels’ and truly to the sick and suffering people you will bring solace and will be an angel.
Once again welcome to Sarah institute family. God bless.
Dr. I.A. AnsariManaging Trustee